Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Autumn Blessings

  I know many of you love this beautiful time of year as much as I do,
and although it has been a busy time for us here at Cedar Home, we have taken time to enjoy the joys of Autumn too.
  Since our Fall Open house last month, Lyle and I have transplanted 68 more white pine trees from the lot in Two Rivers.  They are only about 3 feet tall and we planted all of them in front between the house and the road.
   We have filled our wood shed.  It holds about four and one half cords of wood, and this is the wood we will use to heat Cedar Home this winter.  The wood shed is a blessing because it keeps the wood we burn dry all winter long.  (Really can't see anything good about a smokey fire)  LOL
   Those poor prairie women, cooking over a smoking fire because their chimneys did not draft properly.  I can not even imagine what that was like for them.
 We have been cutting low branches off the box elder trees in the back yard and and having awesome bonfires in the early evenings.
This to me is what Autumn is all about, the beautiful colors, bonfires, and taking walks through fallen leaves.  Actually for me it is more like finding piles of leaves and plunging through them.  LOL  Guess I will never be a real grown up.   Here are some pictures we have taken from Cedar Home.
The trees are even more colorful now than when these pictures were taken.

        We left late one morning and just took are ride up to Egg Harbor and Fish Creek and I was able to take some nice pictures and we both just needed to relax a bit.  It was such a beautiful day and I so enjoy doing these things with Hubby.

I home you have enjoyed traveling this country road with me as much as I have enjoyed sharing it with you. 
    I will be seeing some of you at our Holiday Open House this November, and I know it will be like a gathering of old friends again just like our Fall Open House was.  I can not thank you enough for loving Cedar Home as much as I do, and for allowing me to continue doing what I so love to do.
Stay well and happy until I see you again.
Hugs Carol