Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Can you believe it is almost the end of January?

How is it possible that in just a couple of weeks it will be 2 months since you were here for our open house and this coming Saturday we will have been living in our new home one whole year already.  Could it be that we all become so focused on the things we need to take care of each day that we don't even realize that weeks are passing?
  I know this has been a really mild winter for Wisconsin but Lyle was just reading a article, Woodland Dunes submitted to the paper, that the Larkspurs are here already and the Robins should be back in our area in 5 weeks.  That means Spring won't be far behind.
     I have been busy getting the paper work in place ( the legal stuff-permits-bank, and contacting some of my past vendors) to start a little gift shop again, and so far it is going fairly well.  I will keep you posted on how everything is progressing.  
Wanted to show you where I sit when I come to visit with you.  Yes my modern looking computer is hidding under that olde time napkin. LOL

1 comment:

ctlogcabin said...

Hi Carol, Yes Jan is speeding by once again .... I Like to think the Old Saying "Time Fly's When We Are Having Fun"
applies to all of Us. :-)
Glad to hear you are working on opening up a shop again ... Fun to look at your old vendors and to see
whats new out there. Good Luck !!
Keep Warm & Cozy ~~ Hugs ~ Connie xox