Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Design Work?

Yes we did fianlly all agree on a final drawing.  This process was so very hard because all the measurements (example)  exactly how many feet and inches were between a window and a door.  How many feet and inches from a window to the corner of the room.  We had to get this right without error on our part because Lyle and I built all the free standing pieces of furniture that would be used in those areas-and they were built to fit.  We have no built in kitchen cabinets, or linen closets, clothes closets, every piece is free standing.  Since I was the one making the changes and using all
that graph paper (you can not believe how many boxes of Nice n' Easy I went through.  LOL 
   So off to braun building we go with our drawing they develope the plan, all is good right?
Nope!   The house in coming in toooooooo expensive we need to loose some square feet.  Arrrrrrrgh!
Breath deep Carol breath deep!
Ok, life is good again Carol is calm!  I am now eblow deep in graph paper again.
Chopping off the square feet-Hmmmmm!  Moved the stairwell to the basement and downsized two rooms--not too bad.  Moved the two back windows and the back door, moved the front door and the two front windows--still breathing- adjusted the 4 front pillers.  Ok, I'm done and off to brauns we go again.  Yes! Yes! Yes!  it works.

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