Friday, October 14, 2011

Late August early September

I found it interesting that first all the plywood is placed on the sides of the house, then later the windows and doors are cut out.

Our septic tank and well are now  in place also.  You don't think about all of these things when a house is built in a city-thus all of the gray hair. 
Our trusses were designed for the house - it is a odd looking little house---but  you all know I have always liked unusual things.  What can I say odd looking little house ---odd little woman living inside.  LOL

The trusses were made this way to extend 10 feet beyond the front wall of the house to create a covered front porch along the whole front.

Four of these pillers will be placed at the front of the porch.

This picture was taken from the top level--and is actually where Lyle and I will have our loft bedroom.

I do love that it is finally starting to look like a real home.  We are now at 15 months from the time we found the land. I do so hope you are enjoying going back in time with me.

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